New features

  • Added support for working with GPC models.
  • Added support for when items between instruments have different item models. (e.g., the anchoring instrument uses GR, and the instrument being calibrated uses GPC.)
  • Added support for when items within the anchoring instrument use different item models. (e.g., the anchoring instrument uses GR for some items and GPC for others.)
  • Added support for when items within the instrument being calibrated use different item models. (e.g., the instrument being calibrated uses GR for some items and GPC for others.)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where loadData() would not warn about items that may need reverse coding for scale IDs other than 1.
  • Now requires TestDesign (>= 1.5.1).
  • Response probabilities are now computed faster using cpp functions.
  • Deprecated guiPROsetta() is removed. Use PROsetta() instead.
  • Updated documentation.
  • Made minor updates to the Shiny app in PROsetta().
  • Removed ncat column in anchor parameters. This is now inferred from the number of parameters.
  • Added cpp routine for EAP computation after Lord-Wingersky recursion. This improves the speed of runRSSS().
  • getRSSS() now nudges the user if the prior mean input looks like a T-score, which should be entered in the theta metric.
  • Updated CITATION to use bibentry() to meet CRAN requirements.
  • Removed unused columns (min_score, reverse, scores) in example datasets for clarity. The package functions do not use these columns.
  • loadData() now warns if there is a variable that may need reverse coding. This is triggered by a negative correlation value.
  • Fixed where runLinking(method = "FIXEDPAR") was not working when the anchor instrument ID was not 1 in item map.
  • Fixed where runLinking(method = "FIXEDPAR") was not working when the anchor and target instruments had different numbers of categories in response data.
  • Fixed where runFrequency() was not sorting categories correctly when the number of categories was 10 or above.
  • Fixed where runCalibration(fixedpar = TRUE) was not reading anchor parameters correctly when an integer value existed in anchor parameters.
  • Fixed where item parameters for dichotomous items were triggering an error while being parsed.
  • For compatibility with R < 4.0, loadData() now sanitizes input data when a data frame is supplied.

New features

  • runLinking() now supports method = 'CPFIXEDDIM' to perform two-dimensional calibration, for use in performing calibrated projection (Thissen et al., 2015). The difference with method = 'CP' is that 'CPFIXEDDIM' constrains the mean and the variance of the latent anchor dimension, instead of constraining anchor item parameters. For this purpose, a unidimensional fixed parameter calibration using only the anchor response data is performed to obtain the mean and the variance.
  • getRSSS() for computing a single raw-score to standard-score table is now exposed.

QoL updates

  • Added getResponse() for extracting scale-wise response data from a PROsetta_data object.
  • Added getItemNames() for extracting scale-wise item names from a PROsetta_data object.

New features

  • runLinking() now supports method = 'CP' to perform two-dimensional calibration, for use in performing calibrated projection (Thissen et al., 2011).
  • runLinking() now supports method = 'CPLA' to perform two-dimensional calibration, for use in performing linear approximation of calibrated projection (Thissen et al., 2015).
  • runRSSS() now performs two-dimensional Lord-Wingersky recursion with numerical integration, when the output from runLinking(method = 'CP') is supplied.
  • runRSSS() now performs linear approximation of calibrated projection, when the output from runLinking(method = 'CPLA') is supplied.
  • Shiny application PROsetta() now supports calibrated projection and its linear approximation.

Bug fixes

  • runEquateObserved(type_to = "theta") now works.
  • loadData() now checks for a valid @scale_id.
  • First public release.

Structural changes

  • PROsetta_config class and createConfig() are now deprecated. The functionalities are merged to PROsetta_data class and loadData().
  • run*() functions now require PROsetta_data objects instead of PROsetta_config objects.
  • runLinking() now has method argument to specify the type of linking to perform. Accepts MM, MS, HB, SL, and FIXEDPAR.


  • runLinking() is now capable of performing fixed calibration.
  • runCalibration() now performs free calibration by default.
  • runCalibration() and runLinking() now errors when iteration limit is reached, without returning results.
  • runRSSS() now returns thetas in addition to T-scores, and also expected scores in each scale.
  • runEquateObserved() now has type_to argument to specify direct raw -> T-score equating or regular raw -> raw equating.
  • Functions are now more verbose.
  • Added PROMIS Depression - CES-D linking dataset data_dep.
  • Added plot() for drawing raw score distribution histograms.
  • Added plotInfo() for drawing scale information plots.
  • Added several helper functions.
  • Made cosmetic improvements on Shiny app.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where Shiny app was displaying SL method linear transformation constants regardless of specified linking method.